Just as valuable as monetary donations, the gift of volunteering your time is essential to the success of our school community. The GSF has a wide range of volunteer opportunities—from one-off projects to ongoing roles.
Top Ways to Connect With Our Volunteer Squad
Attend a GSF meeting (usually second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm)
Email president@glenwoodspirit.com and introduce yourself!
Look at the list of current volunteer needs on a regular basis and sign-up!
Sign-up to help for lunch duty
Join our Board! We’re always seeking to broaden and diversify our school leadership. We are currently in need of a volunteer for our secretary
Read ParentSquare posts and the Nest News
Check-in with your Grade Level Coordinator
Community Partners
We are fortunate to receive support from our local business community. We are grateful for their contributions and partnership with us through the years. Please reach out if you’re interested in partnering with us.
For the latest schedules and events, please access our calendar on ParentSquare.