The primary purpose of GSF is to fund enrichment programs and experiences that complement classroom learning. These programs provide every student with the tools and opportunities they need to soar to new heights in their academic and personal development. Just as eagles thrive through their keen vision, strong wings, and resilient nests, we believe our students can achieve greatness with the right support and resources.
Throughout the years, GSF has funded a variety of programs in the arts, sciences, technology, outdoor and physical education, advocacy, reading and math support, and much more.
What We Fund
All of this is made possible through generous parent donations. At the start of each school year, we launch our Annual Fall Fundraiser called “Thrive”, in which we ask each family to donate (a tax-deductible) $750 per student to cover the costs of these special enrichment programs for the year. If you are financially able, please consider an additional scholarship donation of $250 to help us reach our goal. When we fall short of our goal for the year, and depending on district budget allocations, we recalibrate and adjust our enrichment programs accordingly. Therefore, your generosity directly enhances the quality of our school enrichment activities. Without donations, these enrichment programs would cease to exist.
How We Fund It
2024-25 Fundraising Goal
Our fundraising goal for the 2024-25 school year is $255,000. This is based on 340 students enrolled for the year as it costs about $750 per student to provide enrichment programs each year. Thrive, Glenwood’s Annual Fall Fundraiser is our largest annual fundraiser.
Fundraising doesn’t stop with the Thrive campaign! Additional fundraising opportunities to help supplement the annual fund throughout the school year include the annual Glenwood Gala (aka the auction), Dance-a-thon, Cultural Festivals (Kermes), Gingerbread House decorating, and the Spirit Store.
Encore Program Selection
Each Spring, the GSF and School Site Council conduct a joint decision-making process to select the types of programs we wish to provide for the coming school year. As always, parents are invited to attend these public meetings. As part of that process, we review a detailed Request for Funding from the Site Council that proposes the learning objectives for our students. They prioritize student needs and opportunities within the larger School Site Plan and we fund as much as we can in order of priority, ultimately giving the Site Council a “grant” to spend towards these stated needs/objectives. The GSF does not decide which organizations are contracted to deliver our programs, per se.
Programs added for the 2024-25 school year and funded by the GSF include:
Outdoor education from Marin Treks
STEAM programming provided by the Mobile Maker Club
Music programming from Youth in Arts (funding for this program is also provided by the San Rafael School district and the nonprofit HeadsUp)